
Nancy thuleen grammar
Nancy thuleen grammar

nancy thuleen grammar

MATERIALS: All students will purchase and organize a 3-ring, loose-leaf notebook (at least 1” wide) containing: 1) dividers, 2) all notes from each section for the entire semester, 3) all assignments from the current chapter, 4) all required handouts from the semester, and 5) all tests or quizzes handed back. At the end of the third week they will take the chapter test. They are expected to fill in 15 or more words each time. In the second week the students will start taking the vocabulary quizzes 3 times. SYLLABUS: Each chapter will be covered in approximately 2-3 weeks.

nancy thuleen grammar

A semester final will be given at the end of each semester. Class and oral participation will be assessed on a daily basis. There is a vocabulary quiz and a test for each chapter. GRADES will be weighted in the following manner: Class Participation 30%, Tests and Quizzes 40%, Homework 20%, and Notebook 10%. The book's strong cross-cultural perspective enriches the students' understanding of the multi-cultural nature of the German-speaking world. The spiraling of functions, vocabulary, and grammar increases the students' retention of newly acquired language and presents opportunities for using the language in various situations. Grammar is presented in context to support the functions, enhancing the students' ability to communicate with accuracy and confidence. The students develop proficiency in the four language skills (i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and build their critical thinking skills. The book has a functionally driven scope and sequence.

nancy thuleen grammar

In these situations, students learn the functions, vocabulary and grammar that support natural expression. Each chapter contains authentic situations that model communicative needs common among young people. Proficiency is the goal of language instruction in Komm mit!. (785) Komm mit! offers the opportunity to learn a language spoken by millions of people in several European countries and around the world.

  • Queen, Lori (Activity Principal's Assistant).
  • Podrasky, Sarah (Fine Arts - Visual / Humanities).
  • Hegeman, Marisa (Librarian/Media Specialist).
  • Hansen-Marlow, Cheyenne (School Psychologist).
  • Flohrschutz, Kirstyn (Administrative Assistant).
  • Downs-Doubrava, Rachel (Fine Arts - Visual).
  • Crickard, Elizabeth (Transition Coordinator).
  • Austin-Janousek, Keri (Academic Interventionist).

  • Nancy thuleen grammar